Water hammers are a problem that must be resolved. You will be able to tell that there’s a water hammer in your pipes when you hear a bang and a vibration when you turn off the faucet. Sometimes, it is strong enough that you may also feel it if you have your hand on the faucet’s handle.

What Causes Water Hammers?

Water hammers are a scientific phenomenon that happens in pipes when there is high water pressure flowing through. They are also caused by worn-out valves or pipes, or by air pockets forming in the plumbing system. If you keep up with regular plumbing maintenance, you will be able to avoid this problem altogether.

Install a Water Arrester

There are several ways in which you can approach fixing a water hammer. One of the easiest ways to do so is by installing a water hammer arrester, which is fairly easy to do on your own. Below, we provide step-by-step instructions to guide you along.

Tools Needed:

  • Bucket or Towel
  • Tongue and groove pliers or adjustable wrench
  • Old towels
  • Water hammer arrester
  • Plumber’s thread seal tape


1. Turn off the Water

First thing first, turn off the water supply to the appliances that are affected by the water hammer. If you’re planning on installing multiple arresters, it may be easier to shut off the home’s entire water supply.

2. Disconnect the Hoses

Place a bucket right underneath the hoses and have some towels handy. This will help you catch any remaining water flowing from the hoses.  Then, use your tongue and groove pliers and loosen the hose fittings to disconnect the hoses.

3. Install the Water Hammer Arrester

The easiest way to install the arrester is by using a push-fit Hemmer arrester. Clean the copper tubes of any burrs and push them firmly onto the each pipe.

4. Connect the Supply Tube or Hoses

Now with the push arrester placed firmly in its position, use your pliers to reconnect the hose to the new water hammer arrester. Make sure everything is tightened in place.

5. Turn on the Water

Turn on the water slowly by turning the shutoff valve counterclockwise. Make sure this is done slowly enough that the water won’t burst out of the pipes, in case they aren’t secured tight enough. You may notice the faucets sputtering as the water hits the rest of the fixtures. You may also need to run the appliance on a test cycle and inspect the pipes for any possible leaks.

After following all these steps, the water hammer will be resolved. If you did follow these instructions and the problem didn’t go away, you will need to contact Erica's Plumbing, Air Conditioning & Restoration for assistance. Our team is consistent with the best plumbers who will be able to troubleshoot the water hammer and provide a permanent resolution to the problem.

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