Hot water serves many important purposes, and if you are beginning to notice that your water no longer gets hot enough or that you run out of hot water much more quickly than you used to, it’s time to consult with an experienced Boca Raton plumber. If your hot water situation has changed, it is likely a sign that you are experiencing a plumbing problem. Pay attention when you experience a decrease in hot water or when you experience a change in how hot your water gets ­– ignoring the issue can lead to a more costly, complicated, and time-consuming fix in the future.

Is Your Water Heater Large Enough for Your Household or Business?

A Boca Raton plumber will help you assess your hot water needs, and it’s possible that – if your needs have changed – your water heater simply isn’t large enough to keep up with those changing needs. If you haven’t increased your usage, however, a change in the availability of hot water likely means that your water heater isn’t working properly. A professional plumber will assess the situation and will help you determine the best course of action for you, whether it’s purchasing a new water heater, repairing your current water heater, or fixing an underlying plumbing problem that’s led to a decrease in available hot water.

Common Issues with Water Heaters

If you notice that your hot water supply has changed, several issues with your water heater could play a role:

  • The temperature could be set too low – check to make sure that the temperature is set where you want it. Do not, however, set your heater any higher than 120 degrees – hotter water can cause serious burns.
  • If your water heater is more than about 10 years old, it may have a component that needs to be replaced. Having an experienced plumber perform regular maintenance can help keep your water heater running properly and can help identify worn or damaged components that need to be replaced before they become an issue.
  • You could have a buildup of sediment in your tank, which can cause it to heat the water more slowly and can lead to inefficient heating. If such is the case, you likely need to have your tank drained.

Whatever’s causing your decrease in hot water, an experienced Boca Raton plumber will help you get to the bottom of the situation and find the solution that’s right for you.

When It’s Time for a New Water Heater

Your plumber will help you determine whether it’s time for a new water heater or whether repairs are in order. Newer models of water heaters are more energy efficient and can help you save money in the long run. There are also tankless options to explore. Tankless water heaters heat exactly the amount of water you use at the time you use it and at the source – the water is heated instantly as it flows through the tank. As such, tankless water heaters are extremely efficient. When it comes to determining the best water heater option for you, there are a variety of variables to consider and a professional plumber will help ensure that you make the best choice for your hot-water needs.

When Repairs Are in Order

If your water heater is large enough to serve your needs and is repairable, enlist an experienced plumber to effectively and efficiently get your hot water back up and running. Professional plumbers have the skill, knowledge, and professional equipment to accurately assess the problem with your water heater and to make the appropriate repairs with the least amount of inconvenience. Hot water is essential to a smoothly running home and/or office, so call in a plumber at the first indication that you are having a problem with your hot water supply.

If You No Longer Have the Hot Water You Need, Schedule an Appointment with an Experienced Boca Raton Plumber Today

You probably don’t think about hot water very much – until you run out. Hot water plays an integral role in our homes and offices, and if your water heater is no longer performing the way it once did, it’s time to call in an experienced Boca Raton plumber. The dedicated plumbing professionals at Erica's Plumbing, Air Conditioning & Restoration in Boca Raton are available to help 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Our experienced plumbers have the skill and knowledge necessary to get you back in hot water, so please contact or call us at 561-260-5763 today.

Erica's Plumbing, Air Conditioning & Restoration
4270 Oak Cir Dr
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Phone: 561-260-5763
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